Congenital naevi are pigmented lesions or moles, which are present at birth.
The Mole can vary significantly in size. They increase in size and thickness in proportion to the growth of the child. When the lesion or Mole is thick or large, it is frequently associated with growth of hair, thus called Congenital Hairy Naevus.
The treatment for Mole Removal is dependent on the size and location. When it is small, a simple excision and closure is done. When the lesion or Mole is large and near to vital organs like eyes and nose, serial excision or skin grafting may be the method of choice in order not to distort the normal anatomy of the eye or nose.
There is 3-15% risk of malignant change in a lifetime for large congenital naevus particularly the ones on the midline of the trunk.
Intradermal Naevus – Mole Removal Treatment
Intradermal naevus is the most common pigmented skin lesion commonly called “mole”. It frequently increases in size with time and age. They appear as skin nodules and vary in size, thickness and pigmentation. Some of them may have a few follicles of hair.
Although they rarely turn malignant, it is prudent to check for signs of malignant change including change of pigmentation, ulceration and bleeding. The treatment of these lesions is dependent on the size and location.
When it is small and flat or near to vital structures like the eyelashes, they may be removed with laser vapourization. However if it is large and thick, generally excision and direct closure is the method of choice to ensure complete removal. The tissue should be sent for histology if there is any suspicion of malignant change.